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Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Before I had children, I had two types of clothes: work clothes & play clothes. My first baby was born and had a bad case of acid reflux for 6 months. I gained a new clothes- stained and not stained. The stained clothes were for Target & Wal-Mart- the unstained for Sundays & Dates with my hubby. Now, after two babies I have 2 more categories- really bad stained and not so bad stained. I'm not kidding. Every single shirt I own has a stain. Even my black shirts have little reminders of baby spit up- you know where the black is blacker in some spots than others. It is inevitable. No matter what I wear- I will be stained.

And so it is, the life of a mother. Constant reminders of the little ones who count on you. I consider myself lucky. I'll take stained any day!

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

I love this...well said. My clothes (and furniture and body and on and on) have irreversible blemishes now, and I really don't care. It's just a little reminder I have her!