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Saturday, January 02, 2010

New Addition

OK, so a bonus room being finished is not technically a new addition, but it will feel like it once it is finished. Derek and I have spent the majority of 2010 working on the house. I have been cleaning, throwing out toys and trying to organize the papers of our life. Derek has been working vigilantly on finishing the bonus room. We intend to make it into a playroom for the kids which will hopefully mean keeping the "hunks of plastic junk" confined to one room in the house. I am blown away by how much he has been able to accomplish...and all on his own! So far he has done the wiring, insulation and sheet rock. Can't wait to see how this will turn out!


Jodee said...

How exciting! Bonus rooms are the best!

kriswalls said...

OH my! When I read the title I thought- really already (another baby)??? Then, I thought was she crazy enough to get a dog for Christmas with a new baby too... Ahhh, but then I read the entire post! You had me worried!

The "new addition" looks great and you will love having it! Hey, it could even make for a great 4th bedroom for baby #4 one day! ;)

our little family said...

Hi! THe bonus room is really coming along! so proud. And, love the christmas pictures!!! They make me coooold though. little ones are so resilient (sp?) to cold! can't wait to see new pics. of elly soon. I have something i need to mail to you! Can you send me your new address?