Man, is it HOT outside! The boys and I started planting a sunflower garden this morning, but after 15 minutes of digging, Tate, who loves to be outside, told me "It's too hot- let's go inside."
WHo was I to argue? While I do love summer and the all the fun things that come with this
season- the BLAZING heat is not one of them.
So we spent today making forts, cleaning house and then we made a caterpillar. We took a leg of
pantyhose and filled it with a mixture of dirt and grass seed. After Tate put a cup full of the mixture in, I would tie off a "ball", we continued until 6 balls were formed. Then we used pipe cleaners for legs and
antennae. The we set the caterpillar outside to soak up the sun and the water that Tate poured over him. The idea is that over time, the little bare naked caterpillar will start to sprout green "fuzz" (grass) and soon we will have a fuzzy little friend. I'll take a picture of it and periodically post the progress. We had so much fun!
Also, I told Tate about a little boy that we sponsor through 'Compassion'. His name is
Pandi and I was writing a letter to him today and printing out pictures of our family. I explained to Tate that
Pandi is not as fortunate as we are so we are trying to help him out by sending him money. Tate then asked me several "why" type questions. Later on I caught him in our change jar. I asked him what he was doing and he said "I'm getting money to send to "Panda". How much does he need, mom?" How precious was that!!??
I guess even at 3 he is grasping the concept of helping others. At least, that was my hope when I told him about
Pandi. We will pray for
Pandi and continue to support him- and write letters to him as a family. I want my boys to always be
cognizant of the needs of others and develop a true passion for charity & missions.
Thank you, Lord for such a wonderful opportunity to share Your goodness and love with my boys!!