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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wedding Weekend In Kentucky

Thursday we headed out caravan style with the extended family to Lexington KY for my cousin Josh's wedding. The morning was crazy- trying to leave the house "show ready" and making sure we hadn't forgotten anything. Luckily last Summer I took the time to make the most detailed packing list you've ever seen- so we NEVER leave home without all of our essentials. If you want a copy of it- email me and I will send it to you.

We pulled out of the driveway at about 12:10 pm and headed North. The drive wasn't all that bad actually, and the mountains we drove through were truly breathtaking. The boys stayed busy with various electronic devices (yes, all the modern conveniences I would have loved to have had as a child but swore as a mother "I would NEVER let my child have one of those..."). We stopped a little more often than Derek and I are used to but it was good for the boys to get our and stretch their legs. At 7:30 we arrived at our hotel and by 7:45 we were out the door headed for dinner.

I was a little nervous about the wedding because Tate was the ring bearer. He had been excited about it and looking forward to wearing his "awesome" tux as he described it. But you never know with kids, how they are going to act. I am happy to say that he did GREAT! He smiled appropriately and held onto the pillow despite uncle Alan's request to have him throw it over his shoulder. I have posted a video of his walk down the aisle on Youtube:

I was relieved when the ceremony was over and all the post-wedding pictures had been taken. We had survived. We left the wedding and arrived at the reception only to find that it was open-air (outside) and a little warm in the 90 something degree weather. Tate headed straight for the drinks and downed 3 cups of sickeningly sweet tea. 5 minutes later he was throwing up all over his tux! So, with no other clothes to don, he paraded around the reception in his undershirt and Thomas The Tank Engine underwear. Every now and then he would shout "I am about to pass out!" which meant- more drinks, please. He is SUCH a drama queen!
Hopefully we did not offend anyone by letting him roam around in his underclothes- we were sure to skip town as soon as the cake was cut. 5 minutes after we got into our hotel room, this was the scene:

All of my boys- reading, relaxing and looking so adorable in their t-shirts!


Garretts said...

lol...when i asked you about the wedding the other day you left out the throw up episode! what a sight this must have been! please tell me you got some pics of wandering among all the suited folks in his undies?!

Suzanna said...

The boys look so sweet all cuddled up. Those little guys are about as cute as two kids can be!